Муниципальный этап ВсОШ в городе Москве, английский язык, 10-11 классы, 2023/24

[15-16.11.2023] Муниципальный этап по Английскому языку 2023-2024 г. Москва 77 регион
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Task 1

For items 1–10 listen to a talk about famous people who tried to learn Russian and decide whether the statements (1–10) are TRUE, or FALSE according to the text you hear. You will hear the text twice.

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1. A lot of people have been determined to learn Russian because of its challenging nature.

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2. Otto von Bismarck had studied Russian before he was sent to Russia as an official representative of Prussia.

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3. Otto von Bismarck considered studying Russian grammar as difficult as fighting the French Army.

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4. The Russian emperor complimented Otto von Bismarck on the unwillingness to show his true knowledge of Russian.

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5. Prosper Mérimée lacked fluency in Latin.

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6. Varvara taught Prosper Mérimée to translate from Russian into French.

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7. Prosper Mérimée was stunned by the ability of the Russian language to convey subtle shades of meaning.

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8. Lewis Carroll was professionally interested in religious beliefs of the Russians.

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9. Comments about difficult Russian words didn’t discourage Lewis Carroll from studying the language.

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10. Lewis Carroll wasn’t good enough at Russian to be able to bargain with the Russian merchants.

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Task 2

For items 11-15 listen to the dialogue. Choose the correct answer to answer questions 11-15. You will hear the text only once.

11. Kelly’s week was

quite usual.

very slow and boring.

really nice.Ответить


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12. What is NOT TRUE about Steve’s dinner?

He will go to the restaurant on Saturday.

It won`t take him long to get to the restaurant.

He will enjoy French cuisine.Ответить


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13. Steve feels certain that at the weekend he will

prepare food for his friends.

go to the cinema.

have a lie-in.Ответить


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14. On Friday evening Kelly is going to

spend a night at home.

attend her friends’ party.

meet up her former colleagues.Ответить


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15. Steve finally says that a boat is

a tiny place for a party.

a cosy place for a party.

an awesome place for a party.

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Task 1

For items 1–10, read the passage below and choose the option which best fits according to the text.

From London to Berlin

Irish author Naoise Dolan on moving to live in the German capital

I moved to Berlin last summer from London, where I had essentially suffered a burnout, depression and emotional collapse. This explanation doesn’t go well in small talk, so I tend to claim instead that I wanted a change of scene.

At the time, my debut novel had been published two years earlier and had gathered a lot of attention. That might sound like a dream come true – but over the months that followed, I was driven progressively more insane by my chronic inability to say no. I tried to be thankful for the flood of media requests and speaking invitations, endless interviews chat shows, Q&A sessions and other public appearances I was asked to make. But that just didn’t’ work out. I never craved for all that attention. I told myself that most people would regard it as a nice problem to have. To me it turned into a nightmare.

For as long as I could, I denied that anything was wrong. Throughout my early years and adolescence, I found it difficult to communicate and form relationships. I was used to hiding my difficulties and neglecting my own wellbeing in an attempt not to burden others. I could never get used to quick changes and always stuck to my well-established daily patterns. There were definitely moments when I felt like I was on a completely different planet from the rest of the young.

But by early 2022, I could no longer even vaguely pretend to be holding things together. I struck the bottom when I couldn’t sleep for three whole days, by the end of which my feet had swollen, I twitched at background noises and my own voice sounded as if it were coming from several meters away. After finally managing to sleep on the third night, I woke up sixteen hours later to several missed phone calls. Someone from my literary agency had come to a nearby coffee shop with a contract I urgently needed to sign, and had waited in vain for an hour. That was the turning point.

Exactly around that time, I visited an Irish friend in Berlin. At my first night in Berlin, I took the tram in the dark, carried my suitcase up the communal stairs in my friend’s apartment building and slept more soundly on her small polyester couch than I ever had in my London double bed in the semi-detached house. In the morning I walked around the neighbourhood, enjoying the wide pavements and abundance of trees.

Consider this January trip the first beat in my spiralling romance with Berlin. I returned in the spring to stay another few days and I moved that summer. It was a no-brainer. I had no second thoughts about it. Relocating to Berlin has improved my mental health in two main ways. The first is that I’m less professionally overwhelmed. I’m asked to do fewer things now, since it’s a hassle to bring me to London – and when I do feel swamped with work, I’m finding it easier to speak up. Daily exposure to German directness has cured me of my once-consuming need to be liked.

Better yet, learning German has toned-down my perfectionism. Many young Berliners instantly switch to English when they hear the slightest trace of any accent. At first I took this personally, interpreted each English response as a minus. Over time, I toughened up. Nowadays I rarely get hit with English – and when I do, I choose to see it as their own desire to practice. I asked my German friends “Why do you reply in English to me if I’ve just spoken perfectly fine German?” They were uniformly baffled that anyone could get upset. “Of course” they say “you speak English with English-speakers – for us it’s just a matter of politeness!”

Did I need to move to Berlin to get happy? Maybe not. But I needed to do something and this thing worked. I love writing again, love people, love being alive and learning words of the German-yet-unknown.

1. After the publication of her first novel Naoise

wanted to leave London for a change of scene.

was grateful to be invited to interviews.

received too much unwanted publicity.

was looking forward to be in the limelight.Ответить


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2. In London Naoise felt uncomfortable because

she couldn’t reject the offers she got.

she disliked the shows she was invited to.

she didn’t feel safe and secure in public.

she suffered from her fans’ attention.Ответить

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3. What is NOT TRUE about Naoise’s childhood and teenage years?

She preferred her well-paced regular routine.

She had problems interacting with other people.

She used to show how different she was from others.

She didn’t pay attention to her health and mental state.Ответить


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4. Naoise’s state reached its worst when she

started suffering from physical reactions to stress.

shuddered at the slightest sound of her cell phone.

stopped hearing clearly her own voice.

was hours late and failed to sign an important contract.Ответить

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5. In comparison to her London home, the place Naoise stayed at during her first visit to Berlin

was safer and much greener.

was quieter and more peaceful.

was more comfortable and roomy.

was modest but more relaxing.Ответить


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6. The word “no-brainer” in Paragraph 6 means

a cautious step to take to avoid failure and defeat.

a rash decision taken without much consideration.

an act of well-planned and calculated moving house.

an obvious decision that you do not need to consider much.Ответить

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7. Moving to Berlin helped Naoise

reduce overall work pressure.

get more work from her London agent.

become more popular and liked.

improve her professional skills.Ответить


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8. When Naoise spoke German but got a reply in English, she

felt she was misunderstood.

realized she had a strong accent.

was hurt and felt offended.

immediately switched to English.Ответить

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9. The Germans are likely to reply in English to a native speaker of English because

they feel a need to practice their English.

they want to surprise the other speaker.

they think it’s more respectful.

they wish to show their level of English.Ответить


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10. Eventually the experience of moving to Berlin

helped Naoise find a way to enjoy life.

turned Naoise into a perfectionist.

met Naoise’s expectations of a perfect city to work in.

made Naoise completely independent of social media.Ответить


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Task 2

For items 1–10, read the passage below and choose which of the sentences A–K fit into the numbered gaps in the text. There is one extra sentence which does not fit in any of the gaps.

A. It disappeared after the Siberian platform began to rise, forming rocky formations composed of limestone, faults and river valleys, while the shape of the mountains was influenced by erosion, in particular – weathering.

B. The climate in the area of the pillars is usual for these places; it is sharply continental, and the river makes the air very humid, causing hard frost in winter, and swelteringly hot days in summer.

C. Archeologists discovered many caves with petroglyphs on the slopes of the rocks: ancient people made these paintings with yellow mineral paint and stone tools.

D. The Park is distinguished by a spectacular series of monumental columnar cliffs up to 100 m high of limestone and dolerite karst.

E. Over time, depending on the degree of erosion, the rocks acquired the most bizarre forms that to some people remind of the walls of a huge medieval castle wall or stone giants, forever frozen by some magical or unnatural force.

F. Essentially, about 5,000 years ago, most of the bison living in Siberia died out, while the rest moved to North America, from where 30 animals were brought back to the farm.

G. Therefore, during a drought, large reservoirs become shallow, and small ones dry up altogether.

H. The striking scenery of the park and wild Yakut nature make it the pearl of the region and one of the most beautiful places in the world.

I. What’s more, the Lena Pillars Nature Park is home for living peers of mammoths — the wood bison.

J. They were formed from the mountains and remains of plants and animals that lived on the territory of Yakutia more than 500 million years ago.

K. Another story runs that these rocks are a monument of love, fidelity and courage, since the Lena Pillars are actually nothing more than a pair of lovers who were enchanted by the dragon.

On July 22, 2012, the Lena Pillars Nature Park became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (1)

. The park occupies more than a million hectares, with taiga, dunes, a full-flowing river, and bizarre rocks resembling an ancient Gothic castle or a sleeping dragon.


. They stand intermittently in a 40 kilometre wall along the right bank of the Lena River and the left bank of the Buotama, a nearly parallel tributary.

In fact, the spire-shaped rocks are remnants that survived the weathering of mountain ranges. (3)

. The mountains that shaped the Lena Pillars began to form on the site of a once shallow sea that was lapping here, at the bottom of which limestone was gradually accumulating. (4)

. For all these years nature has been taking a creative approach in shaping the Cambrian limestones using erosion and dramatic changes in temperature to form this impregnable wall.


. However, locals consider them to be frozen deities that are waiting for their time to come back to people. (6)

. A young warrior fought the dragon to save a fair lady. The monster was almost defeated, but at the last moment it struck the ground with its tail and turned everything and everybody into stone.

Another interesting fact is that researchers managed to find an early man site in the park that is about 370,000 years old, as well as the remains of a mammoth, an ancient bison, and a woolly rhinoceros. (7)

. The real paleontological treasure of the park is the fossils found there, with ancient invertebrates preserved in them.

Today the diversity of flora and fauna of the national park cannot but amaze. There are about 500 species of plants, 42 species of mammals, more than a hundred species of nesting birds, a huge number of fish and many reptiles. (8)

. Unique Ust-Buotama Farm aims to restore the population of these rare animals that are on the IUCN Red List. (9)

. On the territory of the national park, there are many lakes with a depth of two to three meters, formed both in natural relief depressions and on flat watersheds. They are filled with water due to rainfall. (10)

. Their shores are usually flat, and in winter both the shores and floors of the lakes are usually frozen.

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