Школьный этап по Английскому языку 9-11 класс 2022-2023 учебный год. Москва 77 регион

Официальные задания и ответы школьный этапа 2022-2023 всероссийской олимпиады школьников ВСОШ Сириус по Английскому языку. Попробовать свои силы в решении нестандартных задач могут ученики 9-11 классов из любого региона России, а также учителя, родители и все желающие.

Вам предстоит выполнить задание по аудированию. Запись откроется в отдельной вкладке.

For items 1–10, listen to a young man called Simon talking about the ‘gap year’ he took after finishing secondary school and choose the best answer. You will hear the text twice.
Прослушать аудиозапись в отдельной вкладке – основная ссылка для прослушивания аудиофайла.

Прослушать аудиозапись на youtube – дополнительная ссылка. Рекомендуем использовать её, если не работает основная ссылка.
Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!

1. Simon’s parents

preferred him to continue his education.
supported the idea of a gap year.
wanted him to work until he retired.

2. What was the main reason Simon wanted a gap year?

to become independent.
to forget about his schooldays.
to get away from his family.

3. Life at university is

unbearable for some students.
pretty much the same as at school.
full of entertainments.

4. What did Simon do in his last year of school?

plan his gap year trip.
prepare for a change of lifestyle.
daydream instead of studying.

5. Simon planned to visit some particular countries because

the language would be no problem there.
they were not very far from his home country.
he would be able to earn his living there.

6. What did Simon enjoy about working in France?

He learnt to pick fruit.
He improved his language skills.
He became interested in Vietnam.

7. What proved to be useful when Simon got to Vietnam?

having met a lot of other gap year students.
brushing up his French.
fruit picking skills.

8. When Simon got to Australia he

bought a pet.
had no money left.
got a job in a zoo.

9. Simon ended his gap year

in the USA and Brazil.
travelling as a tourist.
working as a waiter.

10. How did his gap year affect Simon?

He was encouraged to diet.
He decided to follow a different career.
He wanted to go to university when he was older

Read an extract from a novel and answer questions.

Открыть текст в отдельной вкладке

Australian Road Trip

Dad had been driving our family through the beautiful countryside of Australia for some days, mainly along the coast. Then he suddenly decided we should explore what the scenery was like inland too, so we turned away from the sea and drove for miles through the countryside. Dad was very optimistic about what an adventure it wouId be, but it wasn’t long before the rest of us suspected it was going to be pretty dull, not to mention uncomfortable as the roads were now full of hazardous holes. The scenery was mostly dry plains, spotted with eucalyptus trees and a few flowering plants somehow managing to survive the climate. It seemed just about the loneliest place I’d ever visited. We drove through several towns – tiny groups of houses with a handful of stores – separated by miles and miles of empty road in between, sometimes punctuated by the odd house on the roadside here and there. I was curious about the signs that pointed away up endless long driveways to single houses, and started to wonder about the lives of people living there. But immediately the thought of living in such a quiet, remote place made my heart sink, and I thought longingly of my own house thousands of miles away.
If we were hoping to see some wildlife, we weren’t disappointed. Large adult kangaroos were a common sight as the sun started to go down, feeding off the rather thin grass on the roadside – probably because on the other side of the fences the cattle had eaten absolutely all the nicer stuff, so nothing else remained for the poor kangaroos. Luckily they stayed away from vehicles, so at least we weren’t in danger of crashing into them. Further along the way, we met some cattle drovers who’d been driving their cattle thousands of miles over a period of months, towards areas where they knew there’d been small amounts of rain. There were just five of them to look after more than a thousand animals, and we learnt that they just drove their cattle towards wherever it rained. They never knew what would happen from one day to the next, which seemed a strange, unattractive sort of life to me. Then we finally approached a big town, where there was a huge zoo. By this time, we really wanted to get out of our car and do something, so we parked up and went in. The zoo had mainly Australian animals, some of which we’d already come across along the way, so we were quite keen to find out more about them. We saw a crocodile show, where they get crocodiles to jump out of the water by hanging some meat in the air. Far from being the quiet animals they look when they are fast asleep on a riverbank, they were transformed into fierce, snapping creatures that reminded me of ancient, terrifying dinosaurs.
While we were there, two new crocodiles arrived. The two adults had been found injured in the wild, and transported to the zoo in a plane, inside special long wooden boxes designed to keep crocodiles cool and quiet during a journey. Once they were at the zoo, they were released into their pond, and they ran straight into the water to cool off, sinking down until just their eyes were visible. Then we went off to see some kangaroos. This time, rather than just seeing them from afar, you could touch them if you wanted and feel their soft fur. One actually had a baby in its special pouch, like a little pocket, with just the baby’s tail sticking out! The keeper happened to mention that adult kangaroos can kick at their enemies really fiercely, so I decided against getting too near the mother, even though she was with the keeper, and just settled for a photo instead.

Task 1.

In boxes 1–7 select TRUE if the statement agrees with the information given in the text; FALSE if the statement contradicts the information given in the text, or if the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text.
1 Sara had never been to Australia before.
2 The vegetation of the inland territory they were driving across was very diverse.
3 In the afternoon, the travelers saw a number of kangaroos along the road.
4 The cattle drovers were trying to keep the animals safe from the rain.
5 The zoo didn’t appeal to the travelers as it kept only animals endemic to Australia, which they had already seen along the way.
6 The new crocodiles were transported to the zoo by air in individual cases.
7 Sarah decided to steer clear of the mother kangaroo for fear of being attacked.

Task 2.

Choose option which best fits according to the text.
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1. Sarah says that when her dad drove off the coast road to explore the countryside

the family soon realised the drive wouldn’t be very exciting.
he quickly decided he had made a mistake.
he was thrilled with the views they discovered
the family were relieved to be on better roads.

2. How does Sarah describe the towns they passed through?

They were located very far apart.
There was no sign of life between each one.
They had quite a few shops.
There were a lot of gardens in each one.

3. How was Sarah affected by the remote homes she saw along the way?

She began to feel quite homesick.
She was keen to know more about the owners’ lifestyles.
She found the thought of living there scary.
She wondered why people wanted to live so far from other people.

4. When Sarah first spotted some wild kangaroos, she
was afraid they might be dangerous.
hoped they wouldn’t be the only wildlife they saw.
was surprised at their size.
felt concerned about their lack of food.

5. What did Sarah feel about the cattle drovers’ way of life?
It was physically exhausting.
It was very unpredictable.
She decided she’d like to work with animals too.
She envied them their lifestyle.

6. When Sarah saw the crocodile show at the zoo, she was
attracted by their unusual appearance.
keen to have a better look at them.
disappointed that they were asleep.
frightened by their behaviour

7. Sarah says that the new crocodiles at the zoo
had been brought in because they were babies.
seemed pleased to be in their new home.
had been transported there in an inappropriate way.
appeared stressed by the journey they’d had.

8. At the zoo, Sarah managed to stroke the kangaroos.
photograph some kangaroos.
see how kangaroos defend themselves.
ask the kangaroos’ keeper some questions.

Task 1.

For items 1–10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
В поле ответа запишите только ОДНО слово (без цифр, точек, скобок и других лишних знаков). Слова с орфографическими ошибками, опечатками и лишними знаками не засчитываются!


Ceri Palmer used to be the (0) EDITOR of a magazine for teenagers and EDIT
has made several (1)Ответ on TV. APPEAR She recently added ‘designer’ to her growing list of (2) Ответ . ACHIEVE Ceri’s experience in the magazine industry means she has lots of advice on starting a career in (3) Ответ
: MODEL “A lot of the most (4) Ответ girls and boys become models because SUCCESS they are spotted on the street by the owner of an (5) Ответ
. AGENT But this is (6) Ответ to happen to many people, so you should send your photos to an agent instead. LIKE Don’t pay to have photo taken (7)
Ответ – if an agent likes you, they’ll organize this. PROFESSION You may find it (8) Ответ to hear that models don’t need to be really good-looking. SURPRISE Your (9) Ответ and your look matter more. HIGH Finally, schools for models are (10) Ответ and a waste of money, in my opinion.” EXPENSE 

Task 2.

For items 1–10, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0)
Example answer:
(0) Traditionally

(0) Traditionally ,bowls is described (1) Выбрать being a game which is played by senior citizens, so the announcement that a ten-year-old will be taking part in the National Bowls Championship has come as a shock to many players. At the age of five, Ean Morton (2) Выбрать his football boots for a set of bowls which once (3) Выбрать to his great-grand-mother. He (4)
Выбрать to bowls at once but it (5) Выбрать have been easy for Ean because he had to play against people who could take (6) Выбрать of his inexperience. In spite of the fact that Ean did not achieve (7) Выбрать success at bowls, he refused to allow it to spoil his enjoyment of it. Now, five years later, Ean is more than a match for most of his opponents. He is very excited (8) Выбрать playing in the tournament but admits that he doesn’t really know what to expect. His father, who will also be playing in the Championship, is more optimistic. He believes that Ean will reach the (9) Выбрать and is prepared to (10) Выбрать by him every step of the way.

Task 3.

For questions 1–15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.
If a line is correct put a tick. Use the letter “V” as a tick. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in a given space. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00)
В поле ответа поставьте галочку или запишите только ОДНО слово (без цифр, точек, скобок и других лишних знаков). Слова с орфографическими ошибками, опечатками и лишними знаками не засчитываются!


0 The BBC has just announced that it will be showing V
00 a new series called Neighbours from Hell from by the by
1 beginning of next month. Since it is being thought that
2 many citizens have to stand up for their neighbours’ rude
3 behaviour either because they do not have enough of
4 evidence for the police to act or they are too much frightened
5 of their neighbours, the show is likely to be popular.
6 Although the first episode shows the case of two elderly
7 men who have had an argument about a water supply
8 last year. As a result of this, one of the men threatened
9 the other. Despite of the fact that threats had been
10 made, the police could not do nothing until they
11 had proof that the law had been broken. The man
12 who had been threatened decided that he should to get
13 the evidence required so he went to home, got out his
14 video camera and waited for his neighbour to carry out
15 his threat. When his neighbour reached to his garden and started to destroy his vegetables, he secured the evidence the police needed.

Task 4.

Match the two columns to make English sayings. In the right column, there are three extra phrases you don’t need.
Выберите нужную позицию в левом поле, кликнув по ней, затем кликните в правом поле по выбранной Вами позиции (протянется линия). Если хотите изменить ответ, нажмите на точку в любом из полей (линия исчезнет).

Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!

Between the devil and
To have a card up
An iron fist in
To keep the wolf from
To have several irons in
a brick wall
the door.
the other side.
the fire.
the deep blue sea.
your sleeve.
a velvet glove.
the horse

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